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Element: Flutter Under the Hood

Jul 29, 2023
Element is one of the key concepts in the Flutter framework for its rendering pipeline. However, it’s usually hidden behind Widget and we have few chances to see the name of Element on our VS Code.
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Feb 18, 2024 09:03 AM
Element is one of the key concepts in the Flutter framework for its rendering pipeline. However, it’s usually hidden behind Widget and we have few chances to see the name of Element on our VS Code.
Although Element is always behind widgets and never appears in front of us, we still need to understand how they work in the mechanism of the Flutter framework in order for us to find the proper usage of widgets.
Moreover, this knowledge is useful for understanding how state management packages, such as Riverpod, GetX, etc, are working.
In this article, we are going to reveal how Element is created first and what it does in the Flutter framework, especially in the build phase, so that we find the build phase isn’t performed by widgets but by Element. We are also going to make it clear the relevant programming based on the mechanism of Flutter.
So, let’s get started!

How Element Is Created?

First of all, we start with discussing when, and where Element is created.

Widget Creates Element

Although we don’t see it in our widget, every widget has a method named createElement().
Taking a look at the implementation of StatelessWidget, for example, we soon find the code below.
/// Creates a [StatelessElement] to manage this widget's location in the tree. /// /// It is uncommon for subclasses to override this method. @override StatelessElement createElement() => StatelessElement(this);
StatelessElement here is a subclass of Element, and it’s created by StatelessWidget according to the code above.
Other kinds of widgets, such as StatefulWidget, RenderObjectWidget, etc, also have their own createElement() implementation that returns their corresponding subclasses of Element.
/// Creates a [StatefulElement] to manage this widget's location in the tree. /// /// It is uncommon for subclasses to override this method. @override StatefulElement createElement() => StatefulElement(this);
As we can see the widget passes itself to a constructor of Element, Element preserves the instance of the corresponding Widgetin once they are instantiated.
Element(Widget widget) : _widget = widget { // ... initialize }
A simplified image of the relationship between a single Widget and Element is shown below.

Element Tree

We now have one question, “Who calls createElement(), then?”
The answer is “the parent Elementdoes”.
When the Flutter framework is in the build phase, the framework checks widgets returned by build() method of StatelessWidget or StatefulWidget one by one, from parent to child.
In that process, when the framework finds out a certain widget doesn’t have its corresponding Element yet, its createElement() is called and created Element is treated as a child ( or one of the children ) of the parent Element.
By doing that process from the most ancestor Element to the very leaf of the tree, Element constructs “Element tree”.
On the other hand, by the way, widgets DON’T remember their relationship with parent/child in general. When we jump to the definition of Widget class, we soon find that they don’t have any field for remembering their parent or children.
Thus, we can say Widget doesn’t construct a tree, but Element does”.
Though we usually talk about the “Widget tree”, the actual appearance of the tree is like below.
You can see Widgets don’t connect to each other while Elements do, and Elements also have references to their corresponding widgets while widgets don’t.
To sum up, Element is created by its parent Element by calling the corresponding widget’s createElement() method in the build phase, and the creation continues until the build comes to the end leaf of the widgets.
The references to their parent or widgets are preserved in each Element, and the actual shape of the “tree” is constructed with Element.

What Element Do?

It’s now clear how Element is created and how the “Tree” is built.
Our next topic is “How Element contributes to composing our UI in the Flutter framework? What does it do?”.
Element does a lot of things actually, so let’s pick up a couple of the most important roles in this article.

Build Widgets

One of the important roles of Element is building and updating widgets by rebuild() method.
Though rebuild() doesn’t have a concrete logic, performRebuild() called inside rebuild() and overridden by its subclasses does have logic in the implementations of each subclass.
For example, ComponentElement, which is a common superclass of StatelessElement and StatefulElement, implements performRebuild() like below. (note that assertion or error handlings are omitted)
void performRebuild() { Widget? built; try { built = build(); } try { _child = updateChild(_child, built, slot); } }
In addition, build() method called above is implemented in StatelessElement and StatefulElement.
// implementation by StatelessElement @override Widget build() => (widget as StatelessWidget).build(this); // implementation by StatefulElement @overrideWidget build() => state.build(this);
As we can see, StatelessElement calls build() method of its corresponding widget, while StatefulElement calls build() of state. They are the methods that we implement every day like below.
@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MyPageWidget(); }
After calling build(), the returned widget is passed to updateChild() method that creates the child of processing Element from the widget if necessary, and the process continues recursively until the build isn’t required anymore.

Optimize Build

Besides Elements build widgets to compose UI, they also consider what Element should be built.
The widget tree isn’t rebuilt entirely in all the frames, which comes 60 (or 120) times per seconds, and each Element manages whether it should be rebuilt in the next frame and also should rebuild its child(ren) or not.
Element has a flag named _dirty, which represents whether the Element need to be rebuilt in the next frame or not.
/// Returns true if the element has been marked as needing rebuilding. /// /// The flag is true when the element is first created and after /// [markNeedsBuild] has been called. The flag is reset to false in the /// [performRebuild] implementation. bool get dirty => _dirty; bool _dirty = true;
As commented in the code above, this flag changes into true when markNeedsBuild() is called. The method “marks” the Element to be rebuilt in the next frame, with the implementation below.
/// Marks the element as dirty and adds it to the global list of widgets to /// rebuild in the next frame. /// /// Since it is inefficient to build an element twice in one frame, /// applications and widgets should be structured so as to only mark /// widgets dirty during event handlers before the frame begins, not during /// the build itself. void markNeedsBuild() { if (_lifecycleState != _ElementLifecycle.active) { return; } if (dirty) { return; } _dirty = true; owner!.scheduleBuildFor(this); }
markNeedsBuild() is called via various ways that issues rebuilding. Typically, for example, setState() of StatefulWidget calls the method inside like the code below.
void setState(VoidCallback fn) { final Object? result = fn() as dynamic; _element!.markNeedsBuild(); }
Omitting assertions, all setState() does is to call markNeedsBuild() of the corresponding Element after calling fn that maintains state. That’s the mechanism under the hood that setState() causes rebuilding with the maintained state.
As we’ve understood markNeedsBuild() only “marks” the _dirty flag as true, meaning rebuild is required in the next frame, we can now say that calling setState() multiple times in a single method DOESN’T result in multiple rebuilding. We don’t need to be nervous trying to refactor not to call setState() multiple times within one function call.
Other state management packages, such as Riverpod, Provider, etc, are also implemented based on this mechanism. What they are doing, in the end, is calling markNeedsBuild() at relevant timings.
Element also optimizes rebuild by considering how much they rebuild their child.
When we extract a brief implementation of updateChild(), we find three conditional branches like below.
Note that child.widget here is the widget built last time, and newWidget is the widget built in the current build.
if (hasSameSuperclass && child.widget == newWidget) { newChild = child; } else if (hasSameSuperclass && Widget.canUpdate(child.widget, newWidget)) { final bool isTimelineTracked = !kReleaseMode && _isProfileBuildsEnabledFor(newWidget); child.update(newWidget); newChild = child; } else { deactivateChild(child); newChild = inflateWidget(newWidget, newSlot); }
The first condition compares two widgets if they are exactly the same object. This case happens when we write const for the widget’s constructor that returns exactly the same object at any time.
In this case, nothing happens and its child is not built but the cache is reused.
The second one compares two widgets with canUpdate() method whose implementation is written below.
static bool canUpdate(Widget oldWidget, Widget newWidget) { return oldWidget.runtimeType == newWidget.runtimeType && oldWidget.key == newWidget.key; }
In the case that the instances of two widgets are different but they have the same runtimeType and the same key (even if they both are null ), Element finds there are no changes but the difference of argument at most, as in the difference of Text('hello') and Text('goodbye').
In this case, the cached Element is reused and the rebuild continues to its child.
The last one is the case that child.widget and newWidget are completely different, which means the structure of the UI has changed.
In this case, the old Element is disposed and a brand new Element is created in inflateWidget(), and the rebuild continues to its child.
In short, Elements checks the difference between the last build and the current rebuild and reuses caches of Element as much as possible in order to prevent meaningless computing.

Find Ancestor Widget

As pointed out above, Element preserves the relationships between their parents and children. Using the information, finding other widgets on the tree (typically ancestor widgets) is another important ability.
The mechanism is not only used in the framework but also by us actually.
Before discussing it, we have to check the code calling build() method of StatelessWidget again.
// implementation by StatelessElement @override Widget build() => (widget as StatelessWidget).build(this);
We can see this is passed to build() widget as an argument. As the code is Element‘s, this is Element. Then, let’s take a look at the typical code of build() method that we write every day.
@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MyPage(); }
As we can see the argument is BuildContext context, context is an Element. We can double-check this by looking at the definition of Element below.
abstract class Element extends DiagnosticableTree implements BuildContext { }
Element implements BuildContext and its document says BuildContext is
A handle to the location of a widget in the widget tree.
In other words, the type BuildContext is an interface for us to perform some methods using the widget tree.
One frequently used example is Navigator.of(context). The static method of() of Navigator is implemented like below.
static NavigatorState of( BuildContext context, { bool rootNavigator = false, }) { NavigatorState? navigator; if (context is StatefulElement && context.state is NavigatorState) { navigator = context.state as NavigatorState; } if (rootNavigator) { navigator = context.findRootAncestorStateOfType<NavigatorState>() ?? navigator; } else { navigator = navigator ?? context.findAncestorStateOfType<NavigatorState>(); } return navigator!; }
Where we need to take a closer look is the methods of context, findRootAncestorStateOfType() and findAncestorStateOfType().
findAncestorStateOfType() is, for example, a method to find an ancestor State object of StatefulWidget, which is implemented in the class Element like below.
@override T? findAncestorStateOfType<T extends State<StatefulWidget>>() { Element? ancestor = _parent; while (ancestor != null) { if (ancestor is StatefulElement && ancestor.state is T) { break; } ancestor = ancestor._parent; } final StatefulElement? statefulAncestor = ancestor as StatefulElement?; return statefulAncestor?.state as T?; }
The logic is quite simple, just infinitely looping with while and searching ancestor until the type of ancestor.state matches the given T.
Similarly, we have getInheritedWidgetOfExactType() method for finding InheritedWidget.
@override InheritedElement? getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType<T extends InheritedWidget>() { final InheritedElement? ancestor = _inheritedElements == null ? null : _inheritedElements![T]; return ancestor; }
This one is more simple that it finds a widget whose type is given T from _inheritedElements whose type is PersistendHashMap<Type, InheritedWidget>.
_inheritedElements preserves InheritedWidgets that are the ancestor of context with key-value pair of Type and the instance.
By using this, we can access to InheritedWidget with O(1) order, which means the depth of the widget tree doesn’t affect the performance to find the target InheritedWidgt.
Element, a.k.a BuildContext, is provided for us to find ancestor widgets.


That’s it!
Once we understand what Element is and how they work under the hood, many questions can be answered with relevant reasons.
It’s OK to call setState() multiple times in a single function, for example, because setState() only raises Element‘s flag of _dirty, and rebuilding only happens once when the next frame comes.
context should not be cached with our own logic because context is an Element and it can be disposed of by the Flutter framework depending on the result of rebuilding.
As long as I understand, many state management packages are also implemented based on this mechanism. WidgetRef of Riverpod package is exactly the same object with BuildContext, or context.read() of Provider package uses context.getInheritedWidgetOfExactType() inside.
If you’ve got interested in this mechanism, I strongly recommend to read the document “Inside Flutter” in docs.flutter.dev